21b.2083 Then he tied into the plumbing for the shower drain.

23. Junie and I attended the Chickasaw Winter Cultural Evening with Chelsea and her family.

27.14005 The contractor ran PEX pipes to the shower fixture.

28. and prepared the drain for the new shower.

31. On Sunday I put together bunk beds for the boys to come stay with us.

Mail: 2298 (Advertising: 751 (Junk: 793))
9. Kangaroo Jack (2003)(30)
"Downton Abbey"
- #06.03 Mr. Carson & Mrs. Hughes' Big Day (1/17/2016 PBS)
- #06.04 Anna and Mary Face a Crisis (1/24/2016 PBS)
- #06.05 Violet Fights Back (1/31/2016 PBS)
"The Simpsons"
- #27.12 Much Apu About Something (1/17/2016)
"Life in Pieces"
- #01.14 Will Trash Book Spa (1/21/2016)
U-Verse TV
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules (2011)(17)
Mr. Magoo (1997)
AT&T Minutes (01/20) January -totl-day-fre-n&w-mm- msg- net-+Billed Me - 230-180- 0- 50- 0- 23-1087M-($0) Junie - 143-108- 0- 35- 0-108- 55M-($0) Chelsea - 215-143- 0- 72- 0- 19- 339M-($0) D/\N - 175-119- 0- 56- 0- 27- 344M-($0) iPad1 - - - - - - - 106M iPad2 - - - - - - - 396M Shared Data 2324MB (2.3GB) used of 15GB available Off-net minutes 162 (over 250 = 0 ($0.00))Gasoline
$1.379/gal, 7-Eleven #75, 4045 NW 39th Expressway (G)(26)
$1.629/gal P91, Sam's Club #8289, 5510 SW 5th St (T21.6)(26)
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