17. The older two boys attended a chess camp.
19b. Junie finished her Saturday workshop. The Gulagers were in the area making a "Children of the Corn" sequel. I put my information in to be an extra on various days but didn't get called.
20. We went to visit Mema and the boys wanted to investigate a fort that some neighbor kids had put together

and look at the creek.

21b Junie went to the doctor for a general physical checkup.
22. Our newest grandson was born.
23. I took the day off and we went to visit the new grandson.
24b 25.21990
26b. We cooked and dyed Easter eggs

and put them in the fridge.

29b. The older two boys celebrated their birthday.
30. The older two boys had to go back to the special dentist. The laminator got jammed so I had to fix it.

31. I thought this cloud formation was interesting.

Mail: 2826 (Advertising: 1014 (Junk: 811))
4. The Other Great Depression, Richard Lewis (23)^
1. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)(19)
"Downton Abbey" S6
- #06.06 Open For Charity (10/25/2015)(27)
- #06.07 The Racetrack (11/1/2015)
- #06.08 A Betrayal of Trust (11/8/2015)
AT&T Minutes (03/20) March -totl-day-fre-n&w-mm- msg- net-+Billed Me - 311-190- 0-121- 0- 81- 565M-($0) Junie - 387-330- 0- 57- 0- 78- 142M-($0) Chelsea - 249-194- 5- 55- 0- 94- 630M-($0) D/\N - 90- 82- 0- 8- 0-120- 282M-($0) iPad1 - - - - - - - 289M iPad2 - - - - - - - 720M Shared Data 2625MB (2.56GB) used of 15GB available Off-net minutes 117 (over 200 = 0 ($0.00))Gasoline
$1.669/gal, 7-Eleven #82, 3200 N Classen (G)(18)
$1.939/gal P91, 7-Eleven #50, 4840 NW 39th Expressway (T24.1)(20)
$1.699/gal, 7-Eleven #90, 1101 NW 10th St (G)(25)
$1.909/gal P91, Sam's Club #8289, 5510 SW 5th St (T26.0)(31)
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